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CHO G2P website up!


The collaborative project investigating CHO cell line instability (genomes to phenomes, CHO G2P) has a website that is now live! The project involves faculty, postdocs, and graduate students from Tulane University, Clemson University, University of Delaware, and Delaware State University. CHO cells are commonly used in industry to manufacture biopharmaceuticals, but genomic instability in these cell lines limits their productivity and reliability. This interdisciplinary group is studying the basis of this instability.

There is also a summer undergraduate research experience (UGRExp) opportunity! The UGRExp program students will be exposed to cutting edge research in this area while spending a summer at one of the host institutions. Find the application and apply here. Hurry, though, applications are due soon!

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Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering | School of Science and Engineering | Tulane University

326 Lindy Boggs Building | 6823 St. Charles Avenue | New Orleans, LA 70118 | (504) 862-3261

© 2020 by the Sandoval Lab

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